Effective Solutions for Your Business


  • Strategy

    Our goal is to identify the business problem to walk away with the perfect and creative solution.

  • Puctuality

    Bring the key message to the brand's audience for the best price within the shortest possible time.

  • Diligence

    Research and confirm brands that present the strongest digital growth opportunities and minimize risk.

  • Technologies

    Design practice focused on digital experiences. We bring forth a deep passion for problem-solving.

What Are We Doing

  • разработка сайтов
  • разработка мобильных приложений
  • созданием фирменного стиля

Our Team

  • продукт дизайнер

    Igor Demyanenko

    Product Designer

  • фронтенд разработчик

    Olga Repina

    Frontend Developer

  • маркетолог

    Nikolai Tarasov


  • маркетолог

    Mikhail Ermakov

    UI Designer
